
Showing posts from May, 2016

E-Comm Final Reflection Summary

End of Year Reflection Summary Erin Johnson I learned a lot this year in e9. First of all, I was able to gain experience in every aspect of e-Communication: animation, graphic design, web design, and video. I learned how to work applications such as photoshop and dreamweaver, and how to edit a video. I also learned enough to distinguish which strand was my favorite (video, more specifically video editing). I learned everything i know now because of the awesome e-Comm teachers. Each was fun and nice, but also great at informing their students on what to do and how to do it. I liked how the teachers also gave us informative and encouraging feedback on our work.  e9 was important because it taught me everything I may need to know for my future career, since i want to have a job that is involved with computers and/or design. Because of e-comm, I may have a bit of a headstart if i ever want to intern at a place involved with the e-Comm strands. 

The Happy Hamper

Our logo. The happy hampers group! My team name was EAMA (our initials). The product we created was the 'Happy Hamper,' a hamper that "does the work for you!" It was a hamper that washed and dried clothes. Coupon and Ad page. My team was very efficient together and we got a lot done. We all were flexible and managed to work after school on our product almost every day. We also were all very creative with our product. Our animation - i was in charge of this. We struggled with not working very quickly. We took much longer to finish our product than most of the other groups, and barely finished putting our website together at the last second. I also struggled with getting frustrated and angry while making the website under a time limit, and a lot of pressure.  the meet the team page. In the next group project, i will attempt to not procrastinate and get done quickly, and manage my time efficiently.