
Showing posts from October, 2016

My 1 in 2,000 Interview

            This project was a chance for me to practice interview set ups and audio editing. The process I followed was first, getting my partner. Then, I we shared topics about ourselves that could be turned into an interview subject. Once I had a topic about my partner, I had to write up a 21-question long script that I would use to interview her with. After typing up my script, it was time to record. Finding a spot to interview was difficult, mostly because there were very few quiet and aesthetically pleasing places to set up at. After filming the interview and doing my voiceover, I edited the clips in Premiere, using sound effects to give my interview a sense of realism and immersion despite being just an audio recording. My audio/clip editing. Working with my partner was a positive experience. We were able to finish up the project quickly and well. My responsibilities for this project were mainly to be prepared with a script and questions, and to be able to finish editing