Feature Story: My Grandma's Dog
My concept for my Feature Story was a story about my grandma's dogs and how they have affected her life. My narrative lead was a statement; there are few bonds as special as the one between a dog and owner. I think that this lead did well to set up my video as an emotional and heartwarming story. I interviewed two people; my grandma and her daughter, Pat. Pat's interview was meant to set up the story and provide exposition as to why my grandma got a dog. She also provided quotes that helped to reaffirm the theme: why you should rescue a dog. Shooting and editing my video was less stressful than my first feature story. Finding B-roll and interviews was much easier. The majority of the feedback I got was about the appearance of my shots and some of my voiceover. They told me to have steadier, better-exposed shots and to make my editing more streamlined. In conclusion, I enjoyed making this project. I feel like I improved a lot since my first feature st...