
Showing posts from February, 2016

Personal Logos

For the past few weeks in graphic design class we have been learning about logos. Simple things such as shapes and color can make a huge impact on a logo and the feeling it gives to those who view it. We learned that circles like shapes are popular because they give the appearance of nature and completion, while upside down triangles are unpopular because they look unbalanced and 'dangerous.' With my logo, I knew right away that I wanted to have a calm, blue color scheme. I also wanted to incorporate my first and middle initials - EE - into the design. I had many ideas for my logo, but i had to scrap them due to them being too difficult to make in illustrator. I designed many logos, but ultimately came down to one I really liked. Some of my logo ideas, including ones that I scrapped My final, favorite logo design I came up with was a dark teal flower design with two E's facing each other. I really liked the design of the flower (made using the ellipse tool) and t

Logos and My Recreation of the NBC Logo

This week in Graphic Design, we learned about the importance of logos, and what messages different shapes convey. For example, I learned that circles are the most popular shapes in logos, because they represent completion and are a 'friendly' shape. Upside down triangles, though, convey unbalance and danger, so they aren't as popular. Also, color conveys different emotions. For example, green conveys freshness while red conveys drama or romance. For my logo, I will probably use blue or green so it looks fresh. We were given an assignment to recreate famous logos in illustrator. These are some I did.