The Purpose of Posters Reflection

Part I: The Character and Function of a Poster

Posters have many purposes. Many are used for political purposes, whether it be for propaganda or publicity. They are manipulative in nature, and are designed to affect and warp the opinions of their many viewers. They are also a way to communicate with their viewers. A political figure may attempt to contact their supporters through posters and the messages they convey. Posters should be able to "stimulate, activate, mobilize, expound", etc. Posters are spreading in our environment and can be seen almost anywhere, so it is interesting to break down and study all of the thought put behind them.

Part II: The Laws of Poster Designing

General Demands
Posters need to be striking and attractive. Otherwise, they - and their message - will be overlooked. They need to catch the eye of busy people walking by, to have the ability to interrupt those people's preoccupied lives and hold their attention. Posters can help achieve this by their design. With color, composition, contrast, and more. It also needs to be easy to read and understand. Above all, it needs to be eye-catching visually, and then hold the viewer's attention with its writing.

The lettering of a poster needs to be legible and easy to understand, even at a distance. The information needs to be simple, to the point, and quickly read. It needs to connect with the viewer. This can be done by making sure the font in the lettering is modern and aesthetically pleasing.

The shapes in posters need to be significant and purposeful. Forceful shapes can "intensify" the message and expression of the poster. Most often, the most important part of the poster or the headline is placed above the center, because it the first place people tend to look, and will create a sense of hierarchy.

Color is important because it will convey the tone of the poster. If the poster's message is urgent, anger-inducing, or bold, they will use bolder colors such as red and yellow. It can attract the eyes of different viewers - for example, they may use more womanly colors for posters meant to attract a woman's attention. Color should emphasize the main message of the poster.


The three main points I learned from reading this article are that posters need to be eye-catching, legible, and they need to have the ability to make people pause their daily lives to read them. These three things are all important because they contribute to the success of the poster. 
The favorite thing I read in the article is the breakdown of the poster's purpose. It is something i will probably frequently go back to to read over if I ever make a poster,  because it effectively lays out the ways to make a successful poster.
This article was very informative, interesting, and useful. It made me stop and think about the various aspects of posters that I haven't noticed before. 


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