Photoshop Reflection

I learned a lot while making these projects in Photoshop. I learned how to use tools such as the Patch Tool, Clone Stamp, and Spot Healing Brush. These tools were very helpful to learn as I followed along in the tutorials given to me. Before, I was very confused with photoshop. I was surprised by just how easily and quickly you can mend and enhance pictures using Photoshop. 

The first image I edited.
The first tool I learned how to use was the Content Aware Fill tool. This tool made it possible to easily remove any unwanted objects in a photo. I found this tool to be very helpful. Another helpful tool I learned how to use was the Patch Tool. This tool also made it easy to remove any unwanted aspects of a photo, by basically copying the appearance of the photo around the unwanted object. Another tool I learned was the Healing Brush. The healing brush was used in many of the photos I fixed, and it's job was to blend fabrics and unwanted parts of a photo into the rest of the photo, so it matched.

I used the spot healing brush tool to
edit a tag off of her coat pocket.

The favorite skill I learned was the ability to mask out an image. The mask tool made it simple and easy to change a certain part of a photo without effecting the entire thing. I used it to add color to certain parts of a photo, implement a glowing effect, and more. I think that I will use the mask tool often in the future when editing photos in photoshop. 

My strengths were that I found it relatively easy to follow along with the tutorial and enjoyed watching the videos. I was pretty satisfied with most of my resulting images. However, my weakness was that without the tutorials to help me, I would forget how to do some of the steps. I was pretty happy with the majority of my photos. I thought that I did a good job following along with the tutorials and, for the most part, my finish results looked like the ones in the videos. If I could change something about my projects, I would like to have some more time so I could finish the challenge. I would have liked to seen what I could make out of the photos given and done creatively. In conclusion, I think that I learned a lot using photoshop. I am excited to see what I will be assigned in the future that will involve the new tools I have learned. 


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