Why You Need Your ID

Onw Procedures Video

             The aim of this project was to incorporate one of the ONW Procedures into a sort of "how-to" video, including the 6-shot system and the tools we had available with our new cameras. My partner and I decided to use the ID Procedure for our video. Our original idea was for a girl to be in the library wanting to check out a book, but was unable to because she did not have her ID on her. The video would then show the 'correct' way to follow the procedure, with the girl taking out her ID to check out her book. 

We filmed in the library. It was a struggle trying to incorporate all six shots (over the shoulder, extreme wide, etc.), into our video, and in hindsight I wish we would have taken more shots than what we ended up with.

As we started to edit, it soon became clear to my partner and I that our thirty-second time limit was too short to create our original idea. Instead, I had to settle for only showing a girl checking out a library book with her ID, and having the words, "Have your ID accessible at all times!" Flashed at the end of the video. 

I learned a lot about shooting video itself during this project. The brand new cameras were much different to film with than the iPads used in e9. White balancing and exposure settings were some of the new things I learned to use whilst we were filming. I also had some practice being in a video. Before, I had been behind the camera in nearly every video I had created. 

If I could reshoot this video, I would take more varied shots. There was a abundance of medium shots, but a severe lack of other types, such as over the shoulder shots. I would also revise our story-board to make our video more interesting and clear in it's message. I was pretty satisfied, however, with the tone and color of my video. The white balancing made it seem bright and a bit more aesthetically pleasing.

There were many things about this video that I would change. However, I learned a lot while making it, and will use the new skills I have acquired to create better, more engaging videos in the future. 


  1. This is a really detailed and well doe post. I understood your process of filming and what you learned along the way.


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