Laugh Without Smiling PSA

What was the concept that your group came up with for the assignment? 
For the assignment, my group took inspiration from a youtube video we had watched in which people were asked to laugh without smiling. We noticed how them trying to laugh without smiling always lead to them actually smiling. We also thought that the idea of having to laugh without looking happy could maybe tie into how people feel who have depression. We decided that we would go around the school asking various students and teachers to laugh without smiling, and record their reactions. 

What was your process?
First, we talked about what our ideas were and what equipment we would be using. Then, we began the pre-production process. I was in charge of making the storyboard while Mallory wrote the script and the others organized our schedule. We collaborated on editing the script and decided what roles each group member would have while filming. 

What was your role in the process and what did you learn along the way?
My role was mainly to make the storyboard, interview the participants while my partner filmed, and then to edit. I had a small hand in almost every aspect of the video, so I learned a lot technically. I mostly learned new things when it came to editing, however. I found out how to make a "typing" effect for the beginning of my video, to add borders to the clips, and more. Professionally, I enjoyed collaborating with mostly older students and people I didn't know prior to doing the project. I enjoyed meeting new people and discussing the project with them. We collaborated well and everyone was very organized and efficient. We all contributed to the project, so there wasn't a clear leader, though Katie took the lead when it came to our video concept. 

What would you do the same/different? Why?
I would have tried to do more actual filming of the students and teachers. I was mostly writing down names and asking questions when we filmed, so I didn't get to hold the camera much. Next time, I want to film more just so I can get used to using different equipment. 
As for what I would do the same, I would definitely be with the same group. I enjoyed working with them and liked the final product of our video. I also enjoyed editing it and having a large role in the pre-production process. 

What experiences will you draw from to enhance your next project/General thoughts & Conclusions?
I believe that this PSA, the first video I've made my junior year, was a success. I enjoyed making it, liked the group I was in, and learned a lot. Next time, however, I would try to do more filming so I can exposed to different equipment. Still, I am really happy with the final product and overall experience of making it. 


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